Date of birth
28th October 2010
Racing Style
Cautious but Resilient
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Accomplishments / Memorable Moments
When I jumped the start and got stuck in the gate the rest of the riders were at the second corner before I got started and I then came back and won!
I have good corner speed, love to jump, and never give up. I’m probably a little too cautious but hoping Supercross will aide in strengthening my confidence.
Career Goals
To get top ten! But honestly just to get through all 3 rounds and ride to the best of my ability!
Career Challenges
My dad who also races broke his back and I was fearful of the same thing happening to me. I stopped riding of an afternoon at home but then realised I was missing it so I started to push myself again and try and ride as much as I could.
I prepare myself by bouncing on my bike behind the start gate. Mentally, I think about what lines I should take.
I have the same breakfast before every race day and put my race gear on in the same order before each race